Sunday, October 28, 2007

this is a project i'm trying to get off the ground. this is the first part of my proposal.


The purpose of this campaign is to inform the population of Northern Moscow (mainly around the metro station Petrovsko-Razymovskaya) about the dangers of using tobacco. Russia has a terrible problem of tobacco usage and this campaign is geared towards offering a solution. At the conclusion of this media campaign, the audience will be able to identify the dangers of using tobacco as well as recognize it as the problem that it is.


As a result of this media campaign the audience will be able to:

· Stop themselves and others from starting to smoke tobacco and chew tobacco. This will be achieved through an aggressive campaign designed to take away some of the mystique associated with tobacco usage. Also by showing what can really happen to you if you begin to use tobacco.

· Quit smoking. This can be achieved by informing the public as to the real dangers of tobacco usage. Also this can be achieved by offering current users alternatives (i.e. nicotine gum, patches, ect…)

· Educate others as to the ill-health effects of tobacco.

· Improve the general health of the Russian population by reducing the amount of tobacco usage.

· Create a healthier atmosphere for all people in the Russian Federation by decreasing the amount second-hand smoke.


The smoking is a traditional problem in Russia equally with alcoholism. Russia has the fourth largest smoking population in the entire world. Every year 300,000 Russians die from smoking related ailments. About 72% of the male population smoke, with 27% of the female population. About half of all teenagers smoke in Russia. As much as 46% of Russian schoolboys and up to 40% of schoolgirls who attend senior classes in secondary school smoke (Bobak, 2006). Many of the smokers, smoke poor quality cigarettes, and most don’t even have filters. Sellers in Russia will even sell cigarettes to small children, and nobody even looks for it. There is however a growing number of Russians who acknowledge the harmful effects of smoking. In the world, about 5 million people die per year of smoking related ailments. The Russian government realizes the importance of the fight against tobacco addiction. “Russia is plagued by so-called ‘lifestyle diseases’ that have resulted in extremely elevated rates of circulatory, heart and cerebro-vascular disease, particularly among males in the country, whose average life expectancy has fallen to only 59 years of age.” (RHPA, 2007). It is estimated that for every year one smokes, it shortens their life by about 3 months. Smoking can also yellow your teeth and fingernails. Smoking can also cause your breath to stink. Smoking can cause problems with your breathing as well as increase your risk of heart disease. Once you start, and addiction sets in, if you try and quit, you may experience such symptoms as:

· Irritability and aggressiveness

· Depression

· Poor concentration

· Increased appetite

· Light-headaches

· Cravings

Many assert that smokers do damage only to their bodies and, as free individuals, they have that right. We believe this to not be the case. As a paternalistic society we constantly outlaw and deter forms of self-destruction. We wouldn’t stand-by while someone tried to eat plutonium and, while this may be an extreme example; tobacco usage should be strongly discouraged as well. Second-hand smoke is also a very dangerous factor of tobacco smoke. People inhaling the tobacco smoke are at risk from a variety of ailments, from birth defects to respiratory ailments.

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